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#Exercices de rmn series
Series of drills of increasing difficulty were designed to consolidate individual training, putting crews to the test in a complex and realistic environment.Įxercise Mare Aperto involved crews of Naval Divisions units, namely 19 ships, 3 submarines, 6AV8 B+, 14 embarked helicopters, 450 Landing Force units with 22 major landing craft and dog units.
#Exercices de rmn serial
This twelve-day serial naval exercise was intended to train naval units' crews (the operational arm of the Navy) in the main naval warfare capabilities, including anti-air, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare, Maritime Interdiction Operations (namely embargo operations, control of shipping, compilation of the Maritime Situational Awareness, etc.), and amphibious, hydrographic and minehunting activities. Exercise Mare Aperto (Open Sea) 2019-2 - second naval training session of the year, conducted by the Italian Navy in the waters between the Ionian Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea – ended last 22 November.